Swimming Pool Specialists in Southlake and Surrounding Communities
Dragon Pool Services
Sampling of Before and After Pictures
Bring back the sparkle.

Acid Wash
Refresh the look of your plaster.

Equipment Replacement
Pumps, Filters, etc

DE Filters
FMP (Filter Maintenance Program)

Cartridge Filters
FMP (Filter Maintenance)

Calcium Removal
Restore tile and plaster.

Mastic Replacement
Between coping & decking.

Storm Cleanup
Leave the limbs & leaves to us.

Pump Repair or Upgrade
Energy Efficiency

Vacation Pool Cleaning
While away, keep the green away.

Glass Tile Maintenance
Eliminate Scalev Buildup

Bulb Replacement
Change the Vibe

Bring back the sparkle.

Acid Wash
Refresh the look of your plaster.

Equipment Replacement
Pumps, Filters, etc

DE Filters
FMP (Filter Maintenance Program)

Cartridge Filters
FMP (Filter Maintenance)

Calcium Removal
Restore tile and plaster.

Mastic Replacement
Between coping & decking.

Storm Cleanup
Leave the limbs & leaves to us.

Pump Repair or Upgrade
Energy Efficiency

Vacation Pool Cleaning
While away, keep the green away.

Glass Tile Maintenance
Eliminate Scalev Buildup

Bulb Replacement
Change the Vibe

Bring back the sparkle.

Refresh the look of your plaster.

Pumps, Filters, etc

FMP (Filter Maintenance Program)

FMP (Filter Maintenance)

Restore tile and plaster.

Between coping & decking.

Leave the limbs & leaves to us.

Energy Efficiency

While away, keep the green away.

Eliminate Scalev Buildup

Change the Vibe

Dragon Pool Services will match any donation up to 10% of service fees.
This means up to 20% of your monthly fees are donated to the DRAGON CHARITY of YOUR CHOICE.
Dragon Band

Carroll Athletic Booster Club

Carroll Education Foundation

Above are some of the preselected options, but you can donate to the Charity of your choice.
Proud Dragons since 1999 with more then a decade of the Pool Service experience.

Varsity Baseball Player
“Awesome service! Our pool is always sparkling !!”

Dragon Sports Radio
Dragon Pool Service is a proud radio sponsor of Dragon Athletics.

Varsity Football Player
“100% agree that everything should be green except your pool!!”
Everything should be green except your pool!
Call us at 844.DRG.POOL